Monday, January 12, 2009

Puppy Power

The puppies are growing up quickly! Abby is doing a good job of training them to sit and guard, but their attention spans are not quite up to par just yet. From left to right; Julia, Gizmo and Jack.

Gizmo will be the best guard dog, I think - he's very concerned about anything out of the ordinary and eager to investigate. I'm not sure what he'd do if it was something that needed his attention, but at least he knows when something's different. That's a good start.

Julia wants to chase chickens. She and I will be having some intense training sessions very soon. I'm confident that we can get past this. Odd that she's the only one that chases the poultry - I had intended to make her the duck, duck, goose guard. Maybe not.

Jack is lovey dovey. I have a feeling he'll be the one overseeing new babies.

Kidding season will be interesting. The pups will be 6 months old, which is still a bit young. We may have to separate.

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