Friday, August 29, 2008

Turd Toucher

Parasites are a problem...a big problem. I don't want to use chemical wormer unless I know for sure that the goats are having a worm problem. We practice several methods of parasite control including anthelmintic herbs and pasture rotation to break the parasite cycle.

Occasionally, though, we have a goat or two that begins to show symptoms of a parasite load. In order to find out for sure, we use a few different exam methods. First is just to check for outward signs... rough coat, lethargic behavior, etc. Then we check the eyelids for any sign of paleness, indicating anemia from blood loss due to parasites. Finally, I examine the poo under the microscope for parasite eggs. When I do find evidence, we do worm the entire herd. Parasites are passed along so easily and the herd stays pretty much together, so I don't want to take any chances. Although I'm way not a fan of using chemicals on my animals, this is one of the times when I will. Parasites are gross and very harmful to the little dearies.

I never thought, in my wildest dreams, that I would ever be looking at shit under a microscope, but we do what we hafta!

So, even though my brother has called me a turd toucher for many many years, I can now officially bear the title and carry the turd toucher card!

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