Monday, July 7, 2008

Head Butts

If I was a momma goat I think I'd refuse to breast feed and put those suckers on formula. When they nurse they give a powerful head butt to the udder. So powerful that sometimes it knocks the whole backend of the momma about a foot in the air. Imagine being smacked in the boob so hard you fall backwards. Forget it!

These two we affectionately call Cracker One and Cracker Two. They belong to Flag, who has a horrible udder but is a great mom. We'll probably cull her this year because I don't want to pass that udder along to any more offspring. Her boys are destined for the freezer eventually.

Here's another guy we have our eye on for the freezer. His "name" is FreezerBoy. He's really meaty. I hope like hell that we like goat meat, because we're going to have a lot of it!

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